Declutter Tips

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring Into Action: Now Is The Time To De-Clutter

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First the snow drops poked their delicate white heads above the ground, silently signaling the crocuses to follow suit. Then came the daffodils and now, the majestic tulip. As a wave of vibrant colour and budding green spreads across the landscape, windows get pulled open and people welcome a fresh breeze through what might have become a stale, stuffy environment.

Is it any wonder, with the anticipation of warmer weather, that we feel drawn toward certain seasonal chores? Just the other weekend, for example, I pulled open our sliding patio doors and dragged out the six kitchen chairs, a stool, some plants and a couple of small rugs.

With the kitchen and dining room floors cleared of most items, I was finally able to do a thorough sweep of the area. Hello dust bunnies! Inspired by my actions, my partner spontaneously decided to squeegee not only the outside but also the inside of the four, large basement windows. What a difference! Like wiping both the inside and the outside of the windshield of your car, you don’t realize how dirty something is until you clean it.

So it is with clutter. We grow accustomed to the piles and boxes left unpacked, and they become part of the landscape. We tolerate them, walk around them, and move them to clean, until finally we don’t even notice them.

If, like me, you don’t have enough closet space to house all of your clothes, you might store your summer gear in large totes during the winter months. Well, yesterday I decided that I had had enough of winter, and I dragged out my tote and did the seasonal switch. Pulling the large, bulky sweaters down from my closet, I exchanged the blacks and dark browns for beige, light blue and, gasp, short sleeves!

Now is the time to be honest with your wardrobe: donate items that you didn’t wear this past season, ones that might be a bit too tight or itchy. If you look at it, and it doesn’t make you feel good, you’re not going to wear it. Whether it was a gift or a great buy, if you aren’t wearing it, release it so that someone else has the chance to wear it and appreciate it.

Contrary to what many people might think, we are not physical beings here on earth to have a spiritual experience. Rather, we are spiritual beings temporarily on the planet experiencing a physical dimension. Like the myriad of flowers and bushes that are appearing in our yards and along the sides of the road, now is the time to let go and grow.

Alison Roberts is a Professional Organizer with limited storage space in her basement apartment. She is inspired by the natural cycles of the seasons to take stock of her possessions and to re-evaluate what still has value in her life. Feel free to check out for more articles and free de-clutter worksheets

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