Declutter Tips

Monday, January 7, 2008

How to de-clutter your home

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How to de-clutter your home

Organizing a house is not a one time job but has to be done on a regular basis. So decide what time suits your lifestyle and do this work regularly. The golden rule to de-clutter is discard the things that you don't need now or in near future. Don't hold on to useless things. Assign duties to all members of the family because it's tough to do it single handedly. Teach children to clear the mess they create and keep their rooms neat and clean. This will inculcate good habits in them and they will grow up to be well organized and responsible individuals.

Organizing bathroom countertop
Put items that you need on a daily basis, on the countertop. Rest should go inside bathroom cabinets. Buy decorative boxes for the countertop to store things. Install storage products like see-thru boxes, plastic drawer units inside your bathroom vanity.

Organizing kitchen
Remove the items that you don't need often from the countertop and store them in your kitchen cabinets. Store like items together like tea and sugar. Use drawer dividers to organize utensils. Store all your spices on Lazy susans.

Another idea is to buy beautiful storage boxes and storage bins like wicker baskets to store and organize things.

Daisy simpson
Read more about home improvement topics like wall murals, bathroom vanities, kitchen designs .

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